so my son Joe started fishing with me this spring as the mate. Friday was his first day and he still had Sumner as a back up.
Well today he was solo with Cecil, Lisa and friends.
we started out catching a handful of dolphins on the change.
We put out the plugs and started to cover some ground and look around.
a blue marlin ate the long rigger Monkalure triple zeros and the fight was on.
Chris did and excellent job as the angler and after a little while Joe had him on the leader.
Joe had never wired a Blue Marlin before today or any big fish for that matter but he did an excellent job with Cecil as back up and got the lure back and safely released the blue marlin. His first as a mate and Chris’s first as an angler.
they both took a swim at the Marina
Proud Papa here.
Thanks Lisa for all the great pics, I had my hands full!

Source Bite Me Sport Fishing Charters