Choppy and Scrappy

Choppy and Scrappy

October 24, 2023 by biteme Our good friend Steve and his pals on board today. Choppy adventure on the water today, and sometimes that is ok if you’ve got good action. We did not it was very slow, the boys managed a few kings and a pair of nice blackfin tunas. Thanks...

October Fishin’

The wind has kept us stuck at the docks this weekend but we got some trips in over the last week… Offshore, Nearshore and Inlet charters have been bringing in a variety! Come see us in the Ship’s Store, visit us online at or give us a call...
Sailfish and Wahoos

Sailfish and Wahoos

October 19, 2023 by biteme Boys on board today set out to catch some fish it was al little choppy and we were attacked by several sails, managed to catch a couple also had a couple of wahoo bites that we held onto. as I said it was a little rough and the boys decided...
Sailfish and some meat

Sailfish and some meat

October 17, 2023 by biteme Fellow Mountaineers on the boat today, we lamented our football program. pretty day, had some wahoo bites but only held on to one. They also caught three dolphin and Andy caught a sailfish that got switched off the teaser, out of a double....

Mixed Bag Today!

Today was picture perfect on the Outer Banks! We had a few boats offshore with mixed catches of Mahi Mahi, Tuna, Wahoo and a Sailfish release. The soundside fishing was very good today with Speckled Trout and Rockfish being landed. Give us a call to get in on the...


October 8, 2023 by biteme Chuck and the boys from Virginia on board today. we went wahoo fishing. Had lots of bites but our batting average was not very good. We had over a dozen bites and landed 5 up to 47 pounds. was a pretty day until the cold front came through...