Contact Us for Outer Banks Web Design or Advertising!

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Hey there OBX Business Owner! Do you want to get your website advertised? We have lots of options. Airplane banners for just $199 per month May to Sep or just $150 per month year round. Commit to 5 years and we will even develop your website for you with a style that looks good on Big Screen TV’s all the way down to a Smartphone with 30 minutes of updates per month or do it yourself anytime! Your ad will be randomly rotated limited to 20  businesses to ensure quality coverage. First come, first served. Rotating side banner ad $99 per month May to Sep or just $75 per month year round. Ad measures 200 x 400. Rotating footer ad only $49 per month May to Sep or just $37.50 per month year round. Ad measures 200px by 600 pixels. Provide your own or we will design it for you! Premium listings on our website directory for just $199 per year! Includes a Premium listing here and on for all of North Carolina! Premium means your listing will be displayed above all free listings. Includes a free post on our new website with a commitement of 5 years. Use our contact form below or call 252-489-4523 Monday thru Friday 9am to 5pm EST.


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